Nature Retreat Cabins, "Tree Houses" & More near Crater Lake in Oregon

Tree Houses or "Treehouses " at the Retreat:
No matter how you spell it, no matter how you say it, it's still a house elevated into the trees.
Come see the original & unconventional, the swinging "Tree House. " A Starship or UFO? For demonstration use only ... not for public use.
Free Use Facilities: Without Charge.
The Stargazer "Tree House ", the Willow River Deck & the Celestial Ark Tree Deck are available as free use facilities to guests staying in other cabins.
Use of "Tree Houses " or Decks not recommended for children or the infirmed (hyperactive, overweight, physically sensitive, or otherwise challenged.)
Forward ~ RVs or Simply Enjoying Nature.
Back ~ The Abbey and the Cottage.
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Nature Retreat Cabins, "Tree Houses" & more in southern Oregon
The retreat is a non-smoking facility.