Nature Retreat
Cabins "Tree Houses" & More
near Crater Lake in Oregon

Local demographics of the retreat: cabins, vacation rentals, tree houses for meditation, private, personal, spiritual, nature retreats, wildlife viewing. Near crater lake national park, klamath basin birding trails, wildlife refuges, hiking trails at crater lake, hiking trails in the winema national forest and the rogue siskiyou national forests.

Local Demographics

Elevation: 4200'.

Average Annual Precipitation: 13".

Principle Industries: Forest Products, Ranching,
Farming, Retirement, Tourism & High Tech opportunities; diversification on the increase.

Principle Land Ownership: National Forests Primarily.

Chiloquin Population: 750; approximately half the
population is Native American.

Normal Seasonal Temperatures: Daily highs: May:
60s, with showers, June: 70s with occasional showers, July & August: 80 to 90s, sunny with occasional thunderstorms, September: 70s, October: 60s to 70s with occasional showers. Nightly Lows: May: 40 to 50. June in the 50s. July & August:
60s. September 40s to 30s. Autumn at the River
Front Retreat Gathering Area 30s to 20s.

Normal mid-winter highs: 50s, normal mid-winter
lows in the teens. Normal winter snowfalls: Occasionally a
few inches beginning around December with steady
accumulation through February.


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Nature Retreat
Cabins, "Tree Houses" & more
in southern Oregon

The retreat is a non-smoking facility.