Nature Retreat
Cabins, "Tree Houses" & More
near Crater Lake in Oregon

Plan your trip for the best time to come to the retreat in oregon near crater lake national park: cabins, vacation rentals, tree houses for meditation, private, personal, spiritual, nature retreats near crater lake national park, klamath basin birding trails, national wildlife refuges, wood river wetlands, hiking trails in the cascade mountains of oregon.

Hiking the Sprague River upstream from the retreat.

Most Enjoyable Times to Come to the retreat
near Crater Lake National Park, Klamath Basin Birding Trails,
National Wildlife Refuges & More

Our favorite time of the season begins around the beginning of June lasting to early July & once again in October when the radiance of fall colors are striking ... a pervasive calm and a mild warmth fills the air. Greater privacy and solitude are realized due to less congestion ~ road traffic & people. If it's at all possible to plan your a trip around these times, we highly recommend these two truly special & magical times of the year.

Prior to mid-May the weather is much less predictable; vegetation is still dormant, and may not seem as appealing. Beginning in the latter part of May, for approximately two weeks, the prolific Bitterbrush bloom, filling the air with a perfume of almost heavenly scent. June also offers beautiful cloud formations, mild fresh air currents, as well as lush greenery and blooms. In July the weather begins to turn warm to hot, and things begin to dry. The river at this time, due to water withdrawn for irrigation and ranching upstream, becomes fairly warm, somewhat shallow in places and "mossy" to varying degrees. Beginning around mid-August, things have become fairly dry and the weather begins to cool. By mid-September, the weather becomes moderate with chilly nights; irrigation withdrawals subside, and the river recovers substantially. By mid-October, autumn colors fill the air; around mid-November, winter begins to make its presence. Substantial snowfalls usually don't appear until mid-December.

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Most Enjoyable Times to Come to the Retreat.

Nature Retreat
Cabins, "Tree Houses" & more
in southern Oregon

The retreat is a non-smoking facility.